§ 12-22-5 - Commitment pending appeal Discharge on payment of fine and costs by labor.
SECTION 12-22-5
§ 12-22-5 Commitment pending appeal Discharge on payment of fine and costs by labor. Every person claiming an appeal from a sentence of the district court who shallfail to enter into a recognizance in the court or in the office of the clerk ofthe court appealed from shall upon sentence immediately be committed to thepenal institution as sentenced, there to remain until he or she enters into arecognizance as provided in this chapter or is discharged pursuant to law;provided, that in the counties of Newport and Washington any person beforeremoval from the county or division in which sentence is entered may claim anappeal from the sentence of the district court to the superior court byclaiming the appeal and entering into recognizance in like manner as requiredby law before the clerk of the court appealed from, or at the adultcorrectional institutions, before the clerk of the court from which the appealis taken, or before any of the persons authorized by law to take bail. Wheneveran appellant has earned by labor at any penal institution a sum equal to theamount of the fine and costs in the case in which he or she was committed,including all costs accruing at that institution, and has served the full termof imprisonment for which he or she was sentenced, the warden or other personhaving charge of the institution shall apply with the consent of the appellantthe amount so earned by him or her to the settlement of the fines and costs,and the appellant shall then be discharged.