§ 12-2-3 - Power to preserve order.
SECTION 12-2-3
§ 12-2-3 Power to preserve order. (a) Railroad police officers may:
(1) Preserve order within and upon the premises and cars ofthe corporation upon whose petition they were appointed;
(2) Arrest without a warrant intoxicated or disorderlypersons frequenting the premises or cars and by their presence or conduct, orby profane or indecent language obstructing or annoying travelers using them;and
(3) Take the persons to the nearest police station or otherplace of lawful detention.
(b) In addition to these powers, railroad police officersshall possess and exercise any other powers to arrest without a warrant on thepremises, cars, vehicles, or any property in the custody or control of thecorporations or companies and upon streets, highways, and lands immediatelyabutting the property or premises, that are conferred on police officers of thecities and towns of the state.