§ 12-14-9 - Violations of Lincoln ordinances.
SECTION 12-14-9
§ 12-14-9 Violations of Lincolnordinances. A person charged with a violation of any provision of the ordinances relatingto traffic, ordained by the town council of the town of Lincoln, except asprovided in this section, and notified in writing by a police officer to appearon a day and hour stated in the notice to answer the charge before the districtcourt for the fifth division, instead of personally appearing in court, may inperson or by one duly authorized by him or her in writing appear at the Lincolntown clerk's office admit the truth of the charge and pay to the town clerk onedollar ($1.00) for the first violation, two dollars ($2.00) for the secondviolation, and three dollars ($3.00) for the third violation committed withinthe consecutive period of twelve (12) months next preceding the date of theviolation; provided, that operators of cars registered out of the state may payfines by mailing the tag and the amount of the fine, within three (3) days fromthe violation, if it is a first violation, or within three (3) days of receiptof notice from the officer in charge of traffic violations that the violationis a second or third violation, as the case may be, by certified mail postageprepaid, addressed to the town clerk, town clerk's office, Lincoln, RhodeIsland. Failure to appear and pay the fine or to mail the tag and the amount ofthe fine within three (3) days of the notice shall be deemed a waiver todispose of the charge without personal appearance before the district court;provided, that person charged with passing a red light, stop signal, and/or themanual signal to stop of a properly authorized police officer may appear beforethe town clerk at the town clerk's office and pay to him or her the sum of fivedollars ($5.00) for the first violation and ten dollars ($10.00) for the secondviolation; and provided, further, that appearance, admission, and payment ismade to the town clerk at the town clerk's office within three (3) days ofnotification, and failure to appear within that time, shall be deemed a waiverof the right to appear and to dispose of the charge without personal appearancein the district court. The payment of the fine in the manner provided in thissection shall operate as a final disposition of the charge, and the proceedingsshall not be deemed criminal. The notice provided in this section shallindicate the offense charged and shall also contain any information that willenable the person charged to take advantage of the provisions of this section.The right to dispose of a charge without personal appearance in court may notbe exercised by any person who in any consecutive period of twelve (12) monthsnext preceding the charge has been three (3) times in the aggregate adjudgedguilty by the court, or has admitted the truth of the charges made against himor her of a violation of the ordinance relating to traffic for illegal parkingor twice for the traffic ordinance relating to passing a red light, stopsignal, or manual signal of an authorized officer to stop under the provisionsof this section.