§ 12-13-1.1 - Hearings when state opposes bail Medical disability of accused.
SECTION 12-13-1.1
§ 12-13-1.1 Hearings when state opposesbail Medical disability of accused. (a) In all cases where the state opposes the granting of bail in respect tooffenses punishable by imprisonment for life and/or offenses involving the useor threat of use of a dangerous weapon by one already convicted of the anoffense or of an offense punishable by imprisonment for life pursuant to theprovisions of R.I. Const., Art. I, Sec. IX, hearings shall be held in thesuperior court unless arrangements are made by the parties for a stenographicor electronic recording of proceedings in the district court.
(b) In the event an accused person fails to appear insuperior court for arraignment on the an offense and the accused is under thecare of a private physician who has determined that the accused is medicallyunable to appear in court for arraignment, the justice of the superior court incharge of the criminal calendar shall order the immediate examination of theaccused by a licensed physician, who shall file his or her medical report withthe court within seven (7) days of his or her examination of the accused.Should the justice after hearing decide that the accused is medically unable toappear in superior court for arraignment, he or she shall make whateverarrangements are necessary to have the accused arraigned at a location otherthan the superior court.
(c) The accused person shall be liable for all expensesincurred by the state as a direct result of the inability of the accused toappear in court for arraignment and/or the inability to transfer the accused tothe adult correctional institutions or hospital facility owned by the state.