§ 12-11-3 - Attendance on court Newport, Kent, and Washington counties.
SECTION 12-11-3
§ 12-11-3 Attendance on court Newport, Kent, and Washington counties. (a) The grand jury shall attend the superior court:
(1) At Newport, for the county of Newport, on the secondMondays of September and June and the fourth Mondays of November and March ineach year, unless at least ten (10) days prior to the day on which a grand juryis to commence its term the presiding justice orders in writing that a grandjury shall not be summoned for that term;
(2) At Warwick or at any other place in the county of Kentthat may be designated by the presiding justice, for the county of Kent, on thethird Monday of September, the first Monday of December, the second Monday ofApril and the fourth Monday of June in each year, unless at least ten (10) daysprior to the day on which a grand jury is to commence its term the presidingjustice orders in writing that a grand jury shall not be summoned for thatterm; and
(3) At South Kingstown, for the county of Washington, on thefirst Mondays of October and April, the second Monday of December and the thirdMonday of June, unless at least ten (10) days prior to the day on which a grandjury is to commence its term the presiding justice orders in writing that agrand jury shall not be summoned for that term.
(b) The presiding justice or any other justice of thesuperior court may at the request of the attorney general in writing filed inthe office of the clerk of the county cause any grand juries attending thesuperior court for any of those counties to attend continuously for all or anypart of its session and also during all or any part of its vacation, when inthe discretion of the presiding justice or any other justice of the superiorcourt for the county it is for the public interest and the properadministration of justice to do so.