§ 12-11-2 - Attendance on court Providence and Bristol counties.
SECTION 12-11-2
§ 12-11-2 Attendance on court Providence and Bristol counties. The grand jury shall attend the superior court at Providence for the countiesof Providence and Bristol on the third Monday of September of each year; and onthe first regular court day of every sixth week thereafter until the secondMonday of July, unless at least ten (10) days prior to the day on which a grandjury is to commence its term the presiding justice orders in writing that agrand jury shall not be summoned for that term. However, the presiding justiceor any other justice of the superior court may at the request of the attorneygeneral in writing filed in the office of the clerk of the court of the countycause the grand jury in attendance on the superior court at Providence for thecounties of Providence and Bristol to attend continuously for all or any partof its session in between the second Monday in September and the second Mondayin July of the following year and also during all or any part of its vacationfrom the second Monday in July to the second Monday in September in each year,when in the discretion of the presiding justice or any other justice of thesuperior court for the counties it is for the public interest and the properadministration of justice to do so.