§ 12-1.5-13 - Expungement.
SECTION 12-1.5-13
§ 12-1.5-13 Expungement. A person whose DNA record or profile has been included in the databank pursuantto this act may request expungement, on the grounds that the conviction onwhich authority for including that person's DNA record or profile was based,has been reversed. The department of health shall purge all records andidentifiable information in the database pertaining to the person and destroyall samples from the person upon receipt of a written request for expungementpursuant to this section and a certified copy of the final court orderreversing the conviction. The department of health shall purge and destroy allrecords and identifiable information in its database and all DNA samples takenpursuant to this chapter from convicted persons upon official proof that theperson has been deceased for a period of at least three (3) years. Officialproof shall include, but not be limited to, a certified copy of a deathcertificate.