§ 12-1.1-8 - Powers and duties of commission.
SECTION 12-1.1-8
§ 12-1.1-8 Powers and duties ofcommission. The commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Establish goals, priorities, standards, policies, plans,programs, and budgets for the operation of the state crime laboratory;
(2) Monitor the general operation of the state crimelaboratory and evaluate its effectiveness;
(3) Apply for, contract for, receive, and expend for itspurposes any appropriations or grants from the state and/or its politicalsubdivisions, the federal government, or any other source, public or private,in accordance with the appropriations process;
(4) Accept funds appropriated by the general assembly out ofany money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated for effectuating the dailyoperation of the state crime laboratory;
(ii) Accept any moneys made available through direct grantsfor its function and operation;
(iii) Expend these sums of money for the purchase ofequipment, payment of salaries, purchase of material, office supplies, andlaboratory supplies, and for labor for publishing, for the benefit of lawenforcement officers in the state of Rhode Island, for scientific advances inthe field of criminalistics, and any other essentials that may be deemednecessary and expedient to the scientific criminal investigation and trainingof law enforcement officers and firefighters in modern scientific investigativetechniques and research in the field of scientific criminal investigation;
(5) Recommend legislation to the governor and legislature inthe field of scientific criminal investigation;
(6) Provide suitable badges and appropriate commissions tolaboratory personnel in evidence of their authority;
(7) Establish any and all committees it deems necessary tocarry out the mission of the state crime laboratory;
(8) Perform any other duties that may be necessary to carryout the purposes of this chapter and chapter 1.2.
(9) Within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscalyear, the commission shall approve and submit an annual report to the governor,the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, andthe secretary of state, of its activities during that fiscal year. The reportshall provide: an operating statement summarizing meetings or hearings held,including meeting minutes, subjects addressed, decisions rendered, rules orregulations promulgated, studies conducted, policies and plans developed,approved, or modified, and programs administered or initiated; a consolidatedfinancial statement of all funds received and expended including the source ofthe funds, a listing of any staff supported by these funds, and a summary ofany clerical, administrative or technical support received; a summary ofperformance during the previous fiscal year including accomplishments,shortcomings and remedies; a synopsis of hearings, complaints, suspensions, orother legal matters related to the commission; a summary of any trainingcourses held pursuant to this chapter; a briefing on anticipated activities inthe upcoming fiscal year; and findings and recommendations for improvements.The report shall be posted electronically on the websites of the generalassembly and the secretary of state pursuant to the provisions of §42-20-8.2. The director of the department of administration shall beresponsible for the enforcement of the provisions of this subsection;
(10) To approve or disapprove the director and all otherpositions of the state crime laboratory appointed by the University of RhodeIsland.
(11) To conduct a training course for newly appointed andqualified members within six (6) months of their qualification or designation.The course shall be developed by the chair of the commission, be approved bythe commission, and be conducted by the chair of the commission. The commissionmay approve the use of any commission and/or staff members and/or individualsto assist with training. The training course shall include instruction in thefollowing areas: the provisions of chapters 42-46, 36-14 and 38-2; and thecommission's rules and regulations. The director of the department ofadministration shall, within ninety (90) days of the effective date of this act[June 7, 2006], prepare and disseminate training materials relatingto the provisions of chapters 42-46, 36-14, and 38-2.