§ 11-64-1 - Definitions.

SECTION 11-64-1

   § 11-64-1  Definitions. – (1) For the purposes of this section the following definitions apply:

   (a) "Disseminate" means to make available by any means to anyperson.

   (b) "Imaging Device" means any electronic instrument capableof capturing, recording, storing or transmitting visual images.

   (c) "Intimate areas" means the naked or undergarment cladgenitals, pubic area, buttocks, or any portion of the female breast below thetop of the areola of a person which the person intended to be protected frompublic view.

   (d) "Legal entity" means any partnership, firm, association,corporation or any agent or servant thereof.

   (e) "Publish" means to:

   (i) Disseminate with the intent that such image or images bemade available by any means to any person or other legal entity;

   (ii) Disseminate with the intent such images be sold byanother person or legal entity;

   (iii) Post, present, display, exhibit, circulate, advertiseor allow access by any means, so as to make an image or images available to thepublic; or

   (iv) Disseminate with the intent that an image or images beposted, presented, displayed, exhibited, circulated, advertised or madeaccessible by any means, and to make such images available to the public.

   (f) "Sell" means to disseminate to another person, or topublish, in exchange for something of value.