§ 11-47-48 - Report of gunshot wounds.
SECTION 11-47-48
§ 11-47-48 Report of gunshot wounds. Every physician attending or treating a case of bullet wound, gunshot wound,powder burn, or any other injury arising from or caused by the discharge of agun, pistol, or other firearm, or whenever any case is treated in a hospital,sanitarium, dispensary, or other institution the person in charge of it, shallreport the case at once to the police authorities of the town or city where thephysician, hospital, sanitarium, dispensary or institution is located. Thissection shall not apply to wounds, burns, or injuries received by any member ofthe armed forces of the United States or of this state while engaged in theactual performance of duty. Whoever violates any provision of this sectionshall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor morethan one hundred dollars ($100).