§ 11-41-5 - Penalties for larceny.

SECTION 11-41-5

   § 11-41-5  Penalties for larceny. –(a) Any person convicted of any offense under §§ 11-41-1 –11-41-6, except § 11-41-3, if the value of the property or money stolen,received, embezzled, fraudulently appropriated, converted, or obtained,received, taken, or secreted by false pretenses or otherwise with intent tocheat, defraud, embezzle, or fraudulently convert exceeds five hundred dollars($500), or if the property is a firearm as defined in § 11-47-5.1,regardless of its value, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more thanten (10) years or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), orboth. If the value of the property or money does not exceed five hundreddollars ($500), the person shall be punished by imprisonment for not more thanone year, or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500), or both.Any person convicted of an offense under § 11-41-2 who shall be found tohave knowingly obtained the property from a person under eighteen (18) years ofage, notwithstanding the value of the property, shall be punished byimprisonment for not more than ten (10) years or by a fine of not more thanfive thousand dollars ($5,000), or both.

   (b) Any person convicted of an offense in violation of§§ 11-41-1 – 11-41-7, except § 11-41-3, which involves avictim who is a person sixty-five (65) years of age or older at the time of theoffense and which involves property or money stolen, received, embezzled,fraudulently appropriated, converted, or obtained, received, taken, or secretedby false pretenses or otherwise with intent to cheat, defraud, embezzle, orfraudulently convert, with a value in excess of five hundred dollars ($500),shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two (2) years but not morethan fifteen (15) years or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars($5,000), or both. If the value of the property or money does not exceed fivehundred dollars ($500), the person shall be punished by imprisonment for notless than one year but not more than five (5) years or by a fine of not morethan three thousand dollars ($3,000), or both.