§ 11-41-29 - Insurance fraud Prohibited activities.
SECTION 11-41-29
§ 11-41-29 Insurance fraud Prohibited activities. (a) When used in this section:
(1) "Insurer" means, but is not limited to, an authorizedinsurer, self-insurer, re-insurer, broker, producer, or any agent of them.
(2) "Larceny" means the crime of larceny established in thischapter and by common law, including the requirement of specific intent.
(3) "Person" means any individual, partnership, association,firm, corporation, or any other legal entity.
(4) "Statement" means, but is not limited to, any writtennotice, statement, proof of loss, bill of lading, receipt for payment, invoice,account, estimate of property damages, bills for services, diagnosis,prescription, hospital or doctor records, x-rays, test result or other evidenceof loss, injury or expense.
(b) Every person who, with the intent to deceive, prepares orassists, abets, or solicits another to prepare or make any written statementthat is intended to be presented to any insurer in connection with, or insupport of, any application for the issuance of an insurance policy, knowingthat the statement contains any false information material to the application,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be punished by afine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment for aperiod of not more than one year, or both.
(2) Every person who, with the intent to deceive, prepares orassists, abets, or solicits another to prepare or make any written statement,including computer-generated documents, that is intended to be presented to anyinsurer in connection with, or in support of, any claim for payment or otherbenefit pursuant to an insurance policy, knowing that the statement containsany false information material to the claim, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousanddollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment for a period of not more than one year, orboth.
(3) Every person who, with the intent to deceive, presents orcauses to be presented to any insurer any written statement, includingcomputer-generated documents, as part of or in support of a claim for paymentor other benefit pursuant to an insurance policy, knowing that the statementcontains false information material to the claim, shall be deemed guilty oflarceny.
(4) Every person who, with the intent to deceive, presents orcauses to be presented to any claimant any written statement, includingcomputer-generated documents, as part of or in support of its contest of anyclaim for payment or other benefit pursuant to an insurance policy, knowingthat the statement contains any false information material to the claim, shallbe deemed guilty of larceny.