§ 11-41-16.1 - Sale or concealment of leased personal property.

SECTION 11-41-16.1

   § 11-41-16.1  Sale or concealment of leasedpersonal property. – (a) Any person being in possession of personal property under a lease whosells, transfers, conceals, or aids in concealing the property, or any part ofit, or refuses to return the leased personal property after the time ofexpiration of the lease with the intent of depriving the owner of the property,shall be guilty of larceny and be subject to the penalties set forth in §11-41-5.

   (b) The use of a false or fictitious name or address inobtaining leased personal property shall constitute prima facie evidence ofintent to violate this section.

   (c) "Leased personal property", as used in this section,means any personal property received pursuant to a written contract, by whichone owning the property (lessor) grants to another (lessee) the right topossess, use, and enjoy the personal property for a specified period of timefor a specified sum.