§ 11-41-1 - Stealing as larceny.
SECTION 11-41-1
§ 11-41-1 Stealing as larceny. Every person who shall steal any money, goods, or chattels, or any note of thegeneral treasurer of this state for the payment of money, any bank bill, anycertificate of any bank or of any public officer or corporation securing thepayment of money to any person or certifying it to be due, any certificate ofstock in any corporation, any order entitling a person to money or otherarticle, or any bill of exchange, bill of lading, railroad ticket, bond,warrant, obligation, bill, or promissory note for the payment of money, orother valuable property, or any record or paper belonging to any publicofficer, or any writ, warrant, or other legal process, or any book or part ofone containing an account, any receipt for money or other article paid ordelivered, any adjustment or document of any kind relating to the payment ofmoney or delivery of any article, any indenture of apprenticeship, or any deed,covenant, indenture, or assurance whatsoever respecting any property, real orpersonal, shall be deemed guilty of larceny.