§ 11-37-8.5 - Identification of victims of child molestation sexual assault.
SECTION 11-37-8.5
§ 11-37-8.5 Identification of victims ofchild molestation sexual assault. (a) All court records which concern the identity of a victim of childmolestation sexual assault shall be confidential and shall not be made public.
(b) Every agency of state or local government shall protectthe confidentiality of documents containing the identity of victims of childmolestation sexual assault.
(c) A defendant charged with child molestation sexual assaultmay make application to the trial court for an order of disclosure ofidentifying information concerning the child victim in order to prepare his orher defense. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent thedisclosure of the victim's identity to the defendant at the time of his or herarraignment, provided, that the defendant shall make no disclosure of thevictim's identity other than to his or her attorney and others directlyinvolved in the preparation of his or her defense. Any disclosure by adefendant other than permitted in this section shall constitute contempt.