§ 11-37.1-11 - Release of information.

SECTION 11-37.1-11

   § 11-37.1-11  Release of information.– (a) Except as otherwise provided by this chapter or as provided in subsections(b) or (c) of this section, no information obtained under this chapter shall bereleased or transferred without the written consent of the person or his or herauthorized representative.

   (b) No consent for release or transfer of informationobtained under this chapter shall be required in the following instances:

   (1) Information may be disclosed to law enforcement agenciesfor law enforcement purposes;

   (2) Information may be disclosed to government agenciesconducting confidential background checks;

   (3) The designated law enforcement agency and any local lawenforcement agency authorized by the state agency may release relevantinformation that is necessary to protect individuals concerning a specificperson required to register under this chapter, except that the identity of avictim of an offense that requires registration under this section shall not bereleased;

   (4) Information may be released or disseminated in accordancewith the provisions of § 11-37.1-12; and

   (5) Information shall be disclosed by the local policedepartment to the general public in a city or town for those registeredoffenders determined to be either a level 2 or level 3 offender as determinedconsistent with parole board guidelines.

   (c) Any local law enforcement agency shall release relevantinformation collected pursuant to § 11-37.1-3(c) to any campus policeagency appointed pursuant to § 16-15-2 or police for private institutionsappointed pursuant to § 12-2.1-1 for any person having a duty to registerwho is enrolled in, employed by or carrying on a vocation at an institution ofhigher education. That agency may release relevant information that isnecessary to protect individuals concerning a specific person required toregister under this chapter, except that the identity of a victim of an offensethat requires registration under this section shall not be released.