§ 11-35-7 - Bypassing meters – Use of electricity, gas or water with intent to defraud.

SECTION 11-35-7

   § 11-35-7  Bypassing meters – Use ofelectricity, gas or water with intent to defraud. – Every person who, with intent to injure or defraud any gaslight company or anyelectric company, or corporation supplying water in this state at a stipulatedrate of payment, shall make or cause to be made any wire, pipe, tube, or otherinstrument or contrivance, and connect it or cause it to be connected with anymain, service pipe, or other pipe, appliance, or appurtenance used for or inconnection with the works or apparatus employed for conducting or supplyingelectricity, illuminating gas, or water, in any manner that is calculated tosupply electricity, gas, or water to any burner, orifice, faucet, or otheroutlet whatsoever, without the electricity, gas, or water passing through ameter provided or used for measuring or registering its quantity so passingthrough, or without the consent of the company or corporation to theconnections, or who shall otherwise use any electricity, gas, or water with theintent to defraud the company or corporation of payment, shall be deemed guiltyof a misdemeanor and shall be imprisoned not exceeding one year or be fined notexceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000). In any prosecution under this section,proof that any of the acts specified in this section were done on or about thepremises occupied by the defendant, or proof of the presence on or about thepremises, of any device which affects the diversion of electricity, gas, orwater without it being measured or registered by the meter provided, shall beprima facie evidence that the defendant committed the acts, or aided or abettedin their commission, maliciously and with intent to injure or defraud.