§ 11-35.1-1 - Definitions.

SECTION 11-35.1-1

   § 11-35.1-1  Definitions. – For the purposes of this chapter:

   (1) "Manufacture of an unlawful telecommunications device"means to design, produce, assemble, duplicate, modify, alter, program orreprogram a telecommunication device that:

   (i) Duplicates the identity of an authorizedtelecommunication service used for sale and distribution without the consent ofthe telecommunication service provider; or

   (ii) Is capable of acquiring or facilitating the acquisitionof telecommunication service without the consent of the telecommunicationservice provider.

   (2) "Sell" means to transfer for consideration or agree to doso.

   (3) "Telecommunication device" means any type of instrument,device, apparatus, machine or equipment which is designed to or is capable oftransmitting or receiving telephonic, electronic, or radio communications orany part of an instrument, device, machine or equipment, or computer circuit,computer chip, electronic mechanism or any other component, which is capable offacilitating the transmission or reception of telephonic, electronic or radiocommunications.

   (4) "Telecommunication service" means any service providedfor a charge or compensation to facilitate the origination, transmission,emission or reception of signs, signals, data, writing, images and sounds orintelligence of any nature by telephone, including cellular or wirelesstelephones, wire, radio, television, video, optical or other electromagneticsystem.

   (5) "Telecommunication provider" means a person or entityproviding telecommunication service including, but not limited to, a commercialmobile radio service company or other person or entity which, for a fee,supplies the facility, cell site, mobile telephone switching office or otherequipment or telecommunication service.

   (6) "Unlawful telecommunication device" means any electronicserial number, mobile identification number, personal identification number ofany telecommunication device that is manufactured, altered, modified,programmed or reprogrammed alone or in conjunction with another device or otherequipment for the purpose of intentionally acquiring or facilitating theacquisition of a telecommunication service without the consent of thetelecommunication service provider. These unlawful devices include, but are notlimited to, tumbler phones, clone phones, tumbler microchips, clone microchipsand other instruments capable of disguising their identity or location or ofgaining access to a communications system operated by a telecommunicationservice provider.