§ 11-33-1 - Perjury.
SECTION 11-33-1
§ 11-33-1 Perjury. (a) Every person under oath or affirmation who knowingly makes any falsematerial declaration or makes or uses any other information, including anybook, paper, document, record, recording, or other material, knowing itcontains any false material declaration, shall be deemed guilty of perjury.
(b) An indictment or information for violation of thissection alleging that on oath or affirmation the defendant has knowingly madetwo (2) or more declarations which are inconsistent to the degree that one ofthem is necessarily false need not specify which declaration is false if:
(1) Each declaration was material to the point in question;and
(2) Each declaration was made within the period of thestatute of limitations established in § 12-12-17.
(c) In any prosecution under this section, the falsity of adeclaration set forth in the indictment or information shall be establishedsufficient for conviction by proof that the defendant on oath or affirmationmade irreconcilably contradictory declarations material to the point inquestion. It shall be a defense to an indictment or information made pursuantto this subsection that the defendant, at the time he or she made eachdeclaration, believed the declaration was true.
(d) Where in the same continuous court or grand juryproceeding in which a declaration is made, the person making the declarationadmits the declaration to be false, that admission shall bar prosecution underthis section if, at the time the admission is made, the declaration has notsubstantially affected the proceeding, or it has not become manifest that thefalsity has been or will be exposed.
(e) Proof beyond a reasonable doubt under this section issufficient for conviction. It shall not be necessary that proof be made by anyparticular number of witnesses or by documentary or other type of evidence.