§ 11-28-3 - Failure of presiding officer or clerk of municipal governing body to perform duties.

SECTION 11-28-3

   § 11-28-3  Failure of presiding officer orclerk of municipal governing body to perform duties. – The presiding officer of any city council or town council who shall refuse orneglect, when acting as the presiding officer, to put to a vote of the bodyover which he or she presides any appeal made by a member of the body from anyruling of the presiding officer, or who, when the appeal has been sustained,shall refuse or willfully neglect to put to the body the question which causedthe appeal to be made, and any clerk or recording officer of any body who shallrefuse or neglect to record in full the proceedings of any body of which he orshe may be clerk as described in this section, shall be fined for each neglector refusal not less than two hundred dollars ($200) nor more than one thousanddollars ($1,000), and be disqualified for the term of five (5) years fromholding the office of the presiding officer or the office by virtue of which heis the presiding officer.