§ 11-25-15 - Imprisonment for failure to pay fines or costs or give recognizance.
SECTION 11-25-15
§ 11-25-15 Imprisonment for failure to payfines or costs or give recognizance. Every person who has been or shall be committed or detained in the adultcorrectional institutions for the nonpayment of his or her fine or costs, orboth, or for failure to give the recognizance in the amount required of him orher to keep the peace, shall be detained in the adult correctional institutionsafter that person has served his or her sentence of imprisonment, if any shallhave been imposed, one day for each one hundred fifty dollars ($150) or anyfraction of it, of the amount of his or her fine or costs, or both, or of therecognizance so required of and not furnished by that person. However, thedirector of corrections may order the release of any person held in the adultcorrectional institutions solely for the nonpayment of his or her costs on anyterms that he or she shall fix for the payment of the costs by that person andany person so released may be caused to be reimprisoned by the director for hisor her failure to observe the terms of the release, and his or her warrant forimprisonment shall be sufficient authority to all sheriffs, police officers,jailers, and the agents of the director to retake and detain the person whoshall upon his or her return to the correctional institutions serve one day foreach dollar or any fraction of it of his or her costs then unpaid.