§ 11-24-4 - Enforcement of anti-discrimination provisions.

SECTION 11-24-4

   § 11-24-4  Enforcement ofanti-discrimination provisions. – The Rhode Island commission for human rights is empowered and directed, asprovided in this section, to prevent any person from violating any of theprovisions of §§ 11-24-1 – 11-24-3; provided, that beforeinstituting a formal hearing it shall attempt by informal methods ofconference, persuasion, and conciliation to induce compliance with thosesections. Upon the commission's own initiative or whenever an aggrievedindividual or an organization chartered for the purpose of combatingdiscrimination or racism or of safeguarding civil liberties, or rights ofpersons with disabilities (that individual or organization being subsequentlyreferred to as the complainant), makes a charge to the commission that anyperson, agency, bureau, corporation, or association, subsequently referred toas the respondent, has violated or is violating any of the provisions of§§ 11-24-1 – 11-24-3 the commission may proceed in the samemanner and with the same powers as provided in §§ 28-5-16 –28-5-26 and the provisions of §§ 28-5-13 and 28-5-16 – 28-5-36as to the powers, duties and rights of the commission, its members, hearingexaminers, the complainant, respondent, interviewer and the court shall applyin any proceedings under this section.