§ 11-17-1 - Forgery and counterfeiting in general.
SECTION 11-17-1
§ 11-17-1 Forgery and counterfeiting ingeneral. Every person who shall falsely make, alter, forge, or counterfeit, or procureto be falsely made, altered, forged, or counterfeited, any public record, orany writ, process, or proceeding in any court of justice in this state, anycertificate or attestation of any judge, justice of the peace, warden, notarypublic, clerk of any court, town clerk, city clerk or other public officer, inany matter in which the certificate or attestation may be received as legalproof, any charter, deed, will, testament, bond, or writing obligatory, letterof attorney, policy of insurance, bill of exchange, bill of lading, railroadticket, promissory note, order, acquittance, discharge for or upon the paymentof money or delivery of goods, or any acceptance of a bill of exchange or anyindorsement, assignment, or guaranty of any bill of exchange or promissorynote, or any certificate, or accountable receipt for money, goods, or any otherthing, or any warrant, order, or request for the payment of money or deliveryof goods, or for the delivery of any note, bill, or other security for money orgoods, or any lottery ticket, or part or share of any lottery ticket in anylottery authorized by the laws of any state, territory, or country, or anywriting whatsoever purporting to contain evidence of any debt, contract, orpromise, or of the discharge, payment of satisfaction of any debt, contract, orpromise, with intent to defraud, or who shall utter and publish as true orshall procure to be uttered and published as true any such false, forged,altered, or counterfeited record, deed, or other writing as provided in thissection, knowing it to be false, forged, altered, or counterfeited, with intentto defraud, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten (10) years,or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both.