§ 11-11-7 - Overcrowded assembly.

SECTION 11-11-7

   § 11-11-7  Overcrowded assembly. – (a) The occupant load permitted in any assembly building structure, or portionof it, shall be determined by dividing the net floor area or space assigned tothat use by the square feet per occupant as follows:

   (1) An assembly area of concentrated use without fixed seatssuch as an auditorium, gymnasium, church, chapel, dance floor, and lodge room,seven square feet (7 sq. ft.) per person.

   (2) An assembly area of less concentrated use such asconference rooms, dining room, drinking establishments, exhibit room, orlounge, fifteen square feet (15 sq. ft.) per person.

   (3) Standing room or waiting space, five square feet (5 sq.ft.) per person; provided, that aisle area, except rear cross aisles, shall notbe considered in determining the number of standing patrons allowed.

   (b) Any residential structure, or portion of it, that is usedby persons to assemble for consumption of food or drink shall not exceed theoccupant load as determined by dividing the net floor area or space assigned tothat use by the square feet per occupant as follows:

   (1) Any individual single family dwelling or any unit in amulti-family dwelling or apartment house, fifteen (15) net square feet perperson;

   (2) A public space associated with a single family dwellingor any multi-family dwelling or apartment house, fifteen (15) net square feetper person.

   (c) Penalty. If any person in control or possession ofa building or structure, or portion of it, fails to comply with the provisionsof this section, the assembly shall be reduced to the limit set forth by thissection and the person in control or possession of a building or structureshall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor and fined an amount not more than fivehundred dollars ($500) for the first offense with notice of the offense sent bycertified mail to the owner of the building or structure. The fine shall doublefor the second offense and triple for the third offense with all notices of theoffenses sent to the owner of the building by certified mail. In the eventthere are more than three (3) offenses at a building or structure, the ownershall also be guilty of a petty misdemeanor and fined an amount not to exceedfive hundred dollars ($500).