§ 10-5-16 - Surrender of attached goods on defendant's bond.
SECTION 10-5-16
§ 10-5-16 Surrender of attached goods ondefendant's bond. Every officer having goods and chattels attached by him or her in his or hercustody shall surrender the goods and chattel, at any time after theattachment, and before final judgment or decree, to the person whose interestin the goods and chattel has been attached, or from whose possession they havebeen taken, upon being tendered a bond by the defendant or someone in his orher behalf, with sufficient surety or sureties to the satisfaction of theofficer, in double the value of the goods and chattels so attached, the valueto be determined by the sworn appraisal of any two (2) or three (3) persons,one chosen by the sheriff and one by the defendant or his or her attorney, andthe third by the creditor or his or her attorney, or in the penal sum of theamount of damages stated in the writ, with condition that the bond shall benull and void if, at any time after final judgment or decree rendered in theaction or cause in which the attachment shall have been made, upon requesttherefor, the appraised value of the goods and chattels shall be paid, or thegoods and chattels shall, in as good order and condition as when surrendered,be returned to the officer taking the bond, or to any officer who shall becharged with the service of an execution issued upon the judgment or decreerendered in the action or cause, unless the judgment or decree shall have beenpaid, or shall be immediately paid, together with the costs upon the execution,upon the making of the request for the return of the goods and chattels or thepayment of their appraised value.