§ 10-20-2 - Definitions.
SECTION 10-20-2
§ 10-20-2 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the meanings given themin this section:
(1) "Environmental control agency" shall mean any stateagency which is empowered to protect, preserve, or enhance the naturalresources of the state which includes, but is not limited to, the department ofenvironmental management, the department of health, coastal resourcesmanagement council, public utilities commission, the statewide planningprogram, and the water resources board.
(2) "Environmental quality standard" shall mean any statute,ordinance, limitation, regulation, rule, order, license, stipulation,agreement, or permit of the state or any instrumentality, agency, or politicalsubdivision thereof.
(3) "Natural resources" shall include, but not be limited to,all mineral, animal, botanical, air, water, land, timber, soil, quietude, andrecreational resources.
(4) "Nonresident individual" means any natural person, or hisor her personal representative, who is not domiciled or residing in the statewhen suit is commenced.
(5) "Person" means any natural person, any state,municipality, or other governmental or political subdivision or other publicagency or instrumentality, any public or private corporation, any partnership,firm, association, or other organization, any receiver, trustee, assignee,agent, or other legal representative of any of the foregoing, and any otherentity.
(6) "Pollution, impairment, or destruction" is any conduct byany person which violates, or is likely to violate, any environmental qualitystandard which was issued prior to the date the alleged violation occurred oris likely to occur or any conduct which materially adversely affects or islikely to materially adversely affect the environment.