§ 10-2-3 - Commitment of parties refusing to give evidence to auditors.
SECTION 10-2-3
§ 10-2-3 Commitment of parties refusing togive evidence to auditors. Whenever any defendant shall unreasonably refuse or neglect to appear at thetime and place assigned by the auditors or, after appearing, shall refuse orneglect to render an account, the auditors may award to the plaintiff the wholeof his or her demand, and the auditors may administer an oath to the parties,respectively, and examine them respecting their accounts and the matterssubmitted to them, and upon either of the parties refusing to take an oathtruly to answer such questions as shall be asked or to answer directly to theinterrogatories put to him or her, the auditors may commit him or her to jail,there to remain at his or her own charge until he or she consent to take theoath and answer the interrogatories.