§ 10-12-8 - Surrender of principal by surety on jail yard bond.
SECTION 10-12-8
§ 10-12-8 Surrender of principal by suretyon jail yard bond. Every person who shall become surety in any bond given by any debtor for theliberty of the jail yard as provided in § 10-12-2, shall have a right atany time to deliver up the principal in the bond to the sheriff of the countyin which the debtor shall have been committed, or to the warden of the adultcorrectional institutions, and within the institutions, whereupon he or sheshall be detained by the sheriff or warden in close jail, in the same manner asthough he or she had not been liberated on bond, until he or she shall giveother bond according to the provisions of this chapter, or be otherwisedischarged according to law, and none of the sureties, after the principal hasbeen delivered up as provided in this section, shall be liable for any escapethereafter committed by the principal.