§ 1-7-1 - Long-term air quality monitoring program.
§ 1-7-1 Long-term air quality monitoringprogram. (a) The Rhode Island Airport Corporation (RIAC) shall design, acquire, install,operate and maintain a long-term air quality monitoring program in the vicinityof T.F. Green Airport. The corporation may hire a consultant to perform thesetasks.
(b) The monitoring program shall provide for the monitoringof all of the following:
(1) Particulate matter, including PM 2.5, particles less than0.1 microns, and black carbon; and
(2) Volatile organic compounds (VOC's), including, but notlimited to: benzene, 1, 3 butadiene, and naphthalene; and carbonyls including,but not limited to, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde; and
(3) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, including those thatare particulate bound and semivolatiles.
(c) The design of the monitoring program shall:
(i) Include an implementation schedule for the components ofthe monitoring program set forth in subsection (b); and
(ii) Assure the quality and meaningfulness of the monitoringdata; and
(iii) Be set forth in a draft work plan developed, inconsultation with the department of environmental management and the departmentof health.
(2) The consultation with the department of environmentalmanagement and the department of health shall include, but not limited to:
(i) Ensuring that peer review is employed in the developmentof an air quality monitoring strategy;
(ii) Providing the corporation with unbiased reviews ofcurrent, validated scientific knowledge relevant to air quality monitoring andpublic health impacts;
(iii) Assisting with the review of work plans and reports;
(iv) Evaluating and comparing the corporation's proposedmethodologies, quality assurance procedures and monitoring criteria, with otherrelevant monitoring efforts mandated by either state or federal law in order toensure consistency and comparability among the methodologies and criteria.
(d) The draft work plan and the final work plan shalldescribe and justify with reasonable specificity all significant aspects of themonitoring program, including, but not limited to, quality assurance proceduresand a description and justification of the number, type, and location of theambient air quality monitors to be installed as part of the long-termmonitoring program, provided that there shall be at a minimum, one monitorplaced at each of the following locations: North, South, East and West of theairport.
(e) Notwithstanding the consultation requirement, the draftwork plan shall be submitted to the department of environmental management andthe department of health within the thirty (30) days of the effective date ofthis section for review and comment, pursuant to chapter 35 of title 42 of thegeneral laws. The departments shall provide comments within thirty (30) days ofreceipt of the draft work plan. Following the departments' review and commentperiod, the draft work plan shall be made available for review and comment bymembers of the general public, and the air quality monitoring public advisorycommittee, established by this chapter, pursuant to chapter 35 of title 42 ofthe general laws. Adoption of the final work plan by the corporation shall bein accordance with chapter 35 of title 42 of the general laws. The final workplan shall be submitted to the governor, the speaker of the house ofrepresentatives and the president of the senate by the corporation no laterthan October 30, 2007.
(f) The final work plan and all revised final work plansshall include a reasonable evaluation of funding sources, such as federalgrants, that may be available to the corporation to cover some or all of thecosts of the air quality monitoring.
(g) Amendments to the final work plan may be proposed by thecorporation in consultation with the department of environmental management andthe department of health on or before March 30, 2009 and every March 30,thereafter. Amendments to the final work plan may also be proposed by thedepartment of environmental management, the department of health and/or the airquality monitoring public advisory committee on or before January 31, 2009 andevery January 31, thereafter. Any proposed amendments to the final work planshall be available for review and comment by members of the general public, andthe air quality monitoring public advisory committee established by thischapter, pursuant to chapter 35 of title 42 of the general laws. The purposesof proposed amendments to the final work plan are: (1) to allow thecorporation, in consultation with the department of environmental managementand the department of health to consider any adaptations that may be indicatedby the data collected from the pervious year, including whether new monitoringtechnologies, methodologies, or criteria are necessary; and (2) to makenecessary adjustments to the program based on changes to state and/or federalregulations. Any proposed amendments to the final work plan shall beincorporated into a "revised [as of this date] final work plan"document, upon approval of the corporation, and shall be submitted to thegovernor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the president of thesenate by the corporation no later than January 1 of each year.
(h) Long-term air quality monitors will be procured and ineffect by December 30, 2007. Interim monitoring shall be performed until suchtime as the long-term monitoring program is in place, and the use of all datagenerated therefrom shall conform with the reporting requirements set forth in§ 1-7-6(b).