§ 1-6-4 - Returns.
§ 1-6-4 Returns. – The administrator may require the filing of periodic reports, not morefrequently than monthly, setting out any information that the tax administratormay require. The surcharge for the transient parking shown or which should beshown on the report shall be due with the report; provided, that if an operatorwill operate a transient parking facility for a period of less than one month,the administrator may require the filing of reports more frequently thanmonthly. The ordinance may authorize the tax administrator for good cause toextend the time for making any return or paying any amount required to be paid.Any person to whom an extension is granted shall pay, in addition to thesurcharge, interest at the annual rate prescribed by § 44-5-9, or fractionof it, from the date on which the surcharge would have been due without theextension until the date of payment.