§ 1-5-2 - Copies of reports to government entities.
§ 1-5-2 Copies of reports to governmententities. The Rhode Island airport corporation will prepare a report on a quarterly basispertaining to the volume and quantity and flight track of air traffic at theT.F. Green airport in the city of Warwick, occurring during each quarter beingreported on. These reports shall be submitted on a quarterly basis in each andevery calendar year to: the office of the governor; the office of the presidentof the senate; the office of the senate minority leader; the office of thespeaker of the house; the office of the house minority leader; and the RhodeIsland department of environmental management and the mayors of the cities ofWarwick and Cranston.
The report will include the total number of aircraft landingsand departures, by aircraft type and time of day; an analysis of the amount oftotal usage of the runways during the reporting period; actual deviation fromapproved Part 150 departure and arrival flight paths by percent, runway,airline and time; and other information as may be desirable to ensurecompliance with approved noise abatement and land use compatibility plans.