7326 - Publication.

     § 7326.  Publication.        (a)  General rule.--At any time after the date the watercraft     trailer dealer receives notice from the department pursuant to     section 7325 (relating to responsibility of department), the     watercraft trailer dealer shall publish a notice, once a week     for two consecutive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation     published in the county where the watercraft trailer dealer is     located, describing the watercraft trailer and any identifying     number.        (b)  Contents of notice.--The notice shall include     information that all rights, title and interest in the     watercraft trailer shall be transferred to a watercraft trailer     dealer by operation of law unless the watercraft trailer is     redeemed within 30 days of the date of the second publication.     This notice may be combined with a publication of notice     pursuant to 30 Pa.C.S. § 5337 (relating to publication for boats     and related equipment).        Cross References.  Section 7326 is referred to in sections     7327, 7328 of this title; sections 5337, 5338 of Title 30     (Fish).