4721 - Appointment of official inspection stations.

                               SUBCHAPTER B                       OFFICIAL INSPECTION STATIONS     Sec.     4721.  Appointment of official inspection stations.     4722.  Certificate of appointment.     4723.  Certificate of appointment for inspecting fleet vehicles.     4723.1. Certificate of appointment for enhanced vehicle            safety inspection for reconstructed vehicle, modified            or specially constructed inspection stations.     4724.  Suspension of certificates of appointment.     4725.  Use of certificate of appointment at official inspection            stations.     4726.  Certification of mechanics.     4727.  Issuance of certificate of inspection.     4728.  Display of certificate of inspection.     4729.  Removal of certificate of inspection.     4730.  Violations of use of certificate of inspection.     4731.  Records of inspections and certificates issued.     4732.  Inspection Advisory Board.     4733.  Prohibited provision.     § 4721.  Appointment of official inspection stations.        For the purpose of establishing a system of official     inspection stations, the department shall issue certificates of     appointment to privately owned facilities within this     Commonwealth that comply with the requirements of this chapter     and regulations adopted by the department. The department shall     issue instructions and all necessary forms to such facilities.     Official inspection stations are authorized to inspect vehicles     and mass transit vehicles and issue official certificates of     inspection.     (June 18, 1980, P.L.223, No.67, eff. imd.)