4702 - Requirement for periodic inspection of vehicles.

     § 4702.  Requirement for periodic inspection of vehicles.        (a)  Annual safety inspection.--Except as provided in     subsection (b), the department shall establish a system of     annual safety inspection of vehicles, including emergency     vehicles, farm vehicles with a gross weight or gross vehicle     weight rating of greater than 17,000 pounds for which a Type I     biennial certificate of exemption has been issued and private     noncommercial vehicles used to transport students.        (b)  Semiannual safety inspection of certain vehicles.--The     following vehicles shall be subject to semiannual safety     inspection:            (1)  School buses.            (2)  Vehicles which are:                (i)  under contract with or owned by a school            district or private or parochial school, including            vehicles having chartered group and party rights under            the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission; and                (ii)  used to transport school students.            (3)  Passenger vans used to transport persons for hire or        owned by a commercial enterprise and used for the        transportation of employees to or from their place of        employment.            (4)  (Deleted by amendment).            (5)  (Deleted by amendment).            (6)  Mass transit vehicles.            (7)  Motor carrier vehicles with a registered gross        weight in excess of 17,000 pounds, other than farm vehicles        for which a biennial certificate of exemption has been        issued.        (c)  Safety inspection criteria for street rods.--The     department, after consultation with the National Street Rod     Association and other interested groups, shall prescribe special     inspection criteria for vehicles registered as street rods.     Vehicles registered as street rods will not be required to be     equipped with bumpers, fenders or engine coverage as originally     manufactured. If the hood, top and sides, or both, are removed     from the vehicle, the engine fan must be enclosed with a shroud     designed to protect the fan from accidental contact from the     outside.        (c.1)  Safety inspection criteria for collectible motor     vehicles.-- The department shall prescribespecial inspection     criteria for vehicles registered as collectible motor vehicles.        (d)  Extension of inspection period.--The department may     extend the time for any of the inspections required by this     chapter for not more than 30 days due to weather conditions or     other causes which render compliance with the provisions of this     chapter within the prescribed time difficult or impossible.        (e)  Prohibition on centralized inspection.--The department     shall not require or direct the use of a centralized safety     inspection program for purposes of performing vehicle safety     inspections.        (f)  Emission inspection.--Subject vehicles operated in this     Commonwealth must be emission inspected as provided in section     4706 (relating to prohibition on expenditures for emission     inspection program).        (g)  Exceptions.--The following are exceptions to subsection     (f):            (1)  Emission inspection criteria for registration of        subject vehicles with new registration plates.--A subject        vehicle never before registered in this Commonwealth or any        other jurisdiction having less than 5,000 miles on its        odometer and for which an annual or temporary registration        plate was originally issued within the past 12 months shall        be exempt from emission inspection for one year from the date        of original registration. A certificate of exemption shall be        affixed to the subject vehicle in a manner prescribed by        department regulations.            (2)  Emission inspection criteria for new vehicles with        transferred registration plates.--A subject vehicle never        before registered in this Commonwealth or any other        jurisdiction having less than 5,000 miles on its odometer and        bearing a registration plate which has been transferred from        another vehicle shall be required to pass an emission        inspection prior to the next registration renewal, but not        within nine months of the date of purchase of the subject        vehicle.            (3)  Emission inspection criteria for used subject        vehicles with new or transferred registration plates.--A        subject vehicle sold having a title issued in this or any        other jurisdiction or sold with a manufacturer's statement of        origin and having 5,000 or more miles on its odometer and        which displays a currently valid certification of emission        inspection shall be required to be emission inspected prior        to expiration of the certificate of emission unless the        renewal of registration becomes due immediately before the        expiration of the certificate of emission inspection, in        which case the subject vehicle shall be emission inspected        prior to expiration of the new or transferred registration        plate. If there is no evidence of emission inspection, an        emission inspection must precede the next registration        renewal.            (4)  Emission inspection criteria for vehicles operated        with miscellaneous motor vehicle business registration plates        or dealer registration plate.--A subject vehicle which        displays a miscellaneous motor vehicle business registration        plate or a dealer registration plate shall be exempt from the        requirements for emission inspection until it has accumulated        5,000 miles on its odometer. At that time it shall be subject        to the provisions of subsection (f).     (June 18, 1980, P.L.223, No.67, eff. imd.; July 10, 1981,     P.L.250, No.82, eff. imd.; May 26, 1982, P.L.435, No.129, eff.     imd.; May 9, 1986, P.L.163, No.52, eff. imd.; Dec. 16, 1992,     P.L.1250, No.166; Dec. 7, 1994, P.L.820, No.115, eff. 60 days;     July 6, 1995, P.L.246, No.30, eff. imd.; Dec. 20, 1995, P.L.669,     No.75, eff. 120 days; July 11, 1996, P.L.660, No.115, eff. 60     days; Apr. 17, 1997, P.L.6, No.3, eff. 60 days; Dec. 21, 1998,     P.L.1126, No.151; June 26, 2001, P.L.734, No.75, eff. 60 days;     Dec. 1, 2004, P.L.1767, No.228, eff. 60 days)        2004 Amendment.  Act 228 amended subsec. (c).        2001 Amendment.  Act 75 amended subsec. (b)(7).        1998 Amendment.  Act 151 amended subsec. (b)(2) and deleted     subsec. (b)(5), effective July 1, 1999, as to subsec. (b)(2) and     immediately as to subsec. (b)(5).        1997 Amendment.  Act 3 amended subsec. (b).        1995 Amendments.  Act 30 amended subsec. (a) and Act 75 added     subsec. (c.1). See section 5 of Act 30 in the appendix to this     title for special provisions relating to equipment standards and     inspection criteria.        Cross References.  Section 4702 is referred to in sections     4702.1, 4706, 4708 of this title.