3305 - Misapplication of proceeds of securities.
§ 3305. Misapplication of proceeds of securities. Any individual who shall knowingly make or assent to any application or disposition of any stock certificate, or other evidence of equitable interest, or any bond, note, trust certificate, or other evidence of indebtedness, or other security, or the proceeds of the sale or pledge thereof, or any part thereof, in violation of any statement or contrary to any purpose in relation thereto set forth or contained in any securities certificate required to be registered with the commission under the provisions of Chapter 19 (relating to securities and obligations) or who shall knowingly make or assent to any false statement in any report or account to the commission as to the disposition or application of the proceeds, or any part thereof, of any sale or pledge of any stock certificate, or other evidence of equitable interest, or any bond, note, trust certificate, or other evidence of indebtedness, or other security, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.