519 - Selection procedure for insurance and notary bonds.

     § 519.  Selection procedure for insurance and notary bonds.        (a)  Conditions for use.--Insurance and notary bonds shall be     procured by the department in accordance with this section     except as authorized under section 515 (relating to sole source     procurement) or 516 (relating to emergency procurement).        (b)  Statement of qualifications.--Insurance and bond     carriers may submit statements of qualifications and expressions     of interest in providing insurance or notary bonds. The     department may specify a uniform format for statements of     qualifications.        (c)  Request for proposals.--Adequate notice of the need for     insurance or notary bond coverage shall be given by the     purchasing agency through a request for proposals. The request     for proposals shall describe the type of insurance or bond     coverage required and list the type of information and data     required of each offeror.        (d)  Receipt of proposals.--Offerors shall submit their     proposals prior to the time and date specified.        (e)  Discussions with responsible offerors and revision to     proposals.--Discussions and negotiations may be conducted with     responsible offerors. Responsible offerors shall be accorded     fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for     discussion, negotiation and revision of proposals. Revisions may     be permitted after submissions and prior to award for the     purpose of obtaining best and final offers.        (f)  Award.--Award shall be made to the responsible offeror     whose proposal is determined in writing by the department to be     the most advantageous to the Commonwealth based on criteria     determined by the department, including the coverage offered and     the cost of the premium.     (Dec. 3, 2002, P.L.1147, No.142, eff. imd.)        2002 Amendment.  Act 142 amended subsecs. (e) and (f).        Cross References.  Section 519 is referred to in sections     511, 561 of this title.