512 - Competitive sealed bidding.

     § 512.  Competitive sealed bidding.        (a)  Conditions for use.--Contracts shall be awarded by     competitive sealed bidding except as otherwise provided in     section 511 (relating to methods of source selection).        (b)  Invitation for bids.--An invitation for bids shall be     issued and shall include a procurement description and all     contractual terms, whenever practical, and conditions applicable     to the procurement.        (c)  Public notice.--Adequate public notice of the invitation     for bids shall be given a reasonable time prior to the date set     for the opening of bids. The purchasing agency shall establish     written policies and may promulgate regulations regarding     methods of public notice. The method of public notice may     include any of the following:            (1)  Electronic publication which is accessible to the        general public.            (2)  Advertisement as provided for in 45 Pa.C.S. § 306        (relating to use of trade publications).            (3)  Issuance of invitations for bids to bidders on the        solicitation mailing list of the purchasing agency.            (4)  Publication in a newspaper of general circulation.            (5)  Where prequalification is a requirement of        submitting a bid, notification to all contractors who have        been prequalified by the purchasing agency.     Copies of invitations to bid shall be made available to any     interested person upon request to the purchasing agency.     Purchasing agencies may establish procedures for the     distribution of invitations to bid including the imposition of a     fee to reimburse the agency for the costs of photocopying and     mailing.        (d)  Bid opening.--Bids shall be opened publicly in the     presence of one or more witnesses at the time and place     designated in the invitation for bids. The amount of each bid     and any other relevant information as may be specified by     regulation, together with the name of each bidder, shall be     recorded. The record shall be open to public inspection.        (e)  Bid acceptance and evaluation.--Bids shall be     unconditionally accepted without alteration or modification     except as authorized in this part or in the invitation for bids.     Bids shall be evaluated based on the requirements set forth in     the invitation for bids, which may include criteria to determine     acceptability such as inspection, testing, quality, workmanship,     delivery and suitability for a particular purpose. Those     criteria that will affect the bid price and be considered in     evaluation for award shall be objectively measurable, such as     discounts, transportation costs and total or life cycle costs.     The invitation for bids shall set forth the evaluation criteria     to be used. No criteria may be used in bid evaluation that are     not set forth in the invitation for bids.        (f)  Modification or withdrawal of bids.--            (1)  Bids may be modified or withdrawn by written notice        or in person by a bidder or its authorized representative if        its identity is made known and a receipt for the bid is        signed prior to the exact hour and date set for the opening        of bids. Except as otherwise provided in this part,        withdrawals and modifications of bids received after the        exact hour and date specified for the opening of bids shall        not be considered.            (2)  Withdrawal of erroneous bids after bid opening but        before award based on bid mistakes shall be permitted by the        written determination of the contracting officer when the        bidder requests relief and presents credible evidence that        the reason for the lower bid price was a clerical mistake as        opposed to a judgment mistake and was actually due to an        unintentional arithmetical error or an unintentional omission        of a substantial quantity of work, labor, material or        services made directly in the compilation of the bid. The        request for relief and the supporting evidence must be        received by the contracting officer within a reasonable time        period after the bid opening. The time period shall be        specified by the department.            (3)  The contracting officer shall not permit a        withdrawal of a bid if the withdrawal of the bid would result        in the awarding of the contract on another bid of the same        bidder, its partner or a corporation or business venture        owned by or in which the bidder has a substantial interest.        No bidder who is permitted to withdraw a bid shall supply any        material or labor to or perform any subcontract or other work        agreement for any person to whom a contract or subcontract is        awarded in the performance of the contract for which the        withdrawn bid was submitted without the written approval of        the contracting officer.        (g)  Award.--The contract shall be awarded within 60 days of     the bid opening by written notice to the lowest responsible     bidder or all bids shall be rejected except as otherwise     provided in this section. Extensions of the date for the award     may be made by mutual written consent of the contracting officer     and the lowest responsible bidder. Within 30 days of the bid     opening the contracting officer shall, if bid security was     required by the invitation for bids, return the bid security to     all but the lowest and next-to-lowest responsible bidders then     under consideration for contract award.        (h)  Multistep sealed bidding.--When it is considered     impractical to prepare initially a procurement description to     support an award based on price, an invitation for bids may be     issued requesting the submission of unpriced bids, to be     followed by an invitation for bids requesting priced bids from     responsible bidders of the first solicitation.     (Dec. 3, 2002, P.L.1147, No.142, eff. imd.)        2002 Amendment.  Act 142 amended subsecs. (g) and (h).        Cross References.  Section 512 is referred to in sections     106, 511, 512.1, 513, 517, 533, 561, 902 of this title.