561 - Foreign limited partnership defined. § 562. Governing law. § 563. Registration. § 564. Effect of filing. § 565 Name. § 566. Changes and amendme

                               SUBCHAPTER E                       FOREIGN LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS                                (Repealed)        1988 Repeal Note.  Subchapter E (§§ 561 - 569) was added July     10, 1981, P.L.237, No.77, and repealed December 21, 1988,     P.L.1444, No.177. Section 304(a)(5) of Act 177 provided that the     repeal of Chapter 5 shall take effect 90 days after the Governor     publishes a proclamation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin stating     that the Governor has found that the United States Internal     Revenue Service has determined that 15 Pa.C.S. Chapter 85     (relating to limited partnerships) corresponds to the Uniform     Limited Partnership Act for purposes of 26 CFR 301.7701-2. The     proclamation of the Governor was published in the Pennsylvania     Bulletin on June 18, 1994, at 24 Pa.B. 3001 and is set forth in     full in the appendix to Title 15 (Corporations and     Unincorporated Associations).