3165 - Abolishment of existing appointive offices.

     § 3165.  Abolishment of existing appointive offices.        (a)  General rule.--On the effective date of an optional plan     adopted pursuant to this subpart, all appointive offices then     existing in such municipality shall be abolished and the terms     of all appointed officers shall immediately cease and terminate.     This section does not abolish the office or terminate the terms     of office of any alderman or constable or of any official or     employee now protected by any tenure of office or civil service     law or of any police officer or firefighter whether or not     protected by a tenure of office law.        (b)  Use of resolution to govern interim proceedings.--     Provisions for officers and for the organization and     administration of the municipal government under the optional     plan may be made by resolution pending the adoption of     ordinances, but any such resolution shall expire not later than     60 days after the effective date of the optional plan.