2313 - Retired Pennsylvania National Guard personnel.

     § 2313.  Retired Pennsylvania National Guard personnel.        (a)  Promotions.--Every former officer, warrant officer or     enlisted person shall, upon application to the Adjutant General     after his or her retirement, be promoted to the next higher     grade in the Pennsylvania National Guard retired list above that     presently held in a grade Federally recognized if the applicant:            (1)  has served a total of 25 years in armed forces of        the United States or its components, ten years of which        includes service in Pennsylvania National Guard with active        Federal service counting as double time. The 25 years service        shall be such as would be credited for retirement of National        Guard and Reserve personnel; or            (2)  has attained the grade of major general in the        Pennsylvania National Guard and has been Federally recognized        in such grade; or            (3)  has served in the Pennsylvania National Guard,        Pennsylvania Guard or both for a period of 25 or more years        and who has served in his highest grade for at least one        year.     Promotion to general officer on the retired list shall not     require the consent of the Senate.        (b)  Computation of period of service.--In considering the     period of service under this section, the military service of     personnel in the Pennsylvania National Guard engaged in the     service of the United States or active service in the armed     forces of the United States shall be included and counted double     in calculating the period of service for retirement with     increased grade under provisions of this section.        (c)  Wearing uniform following retirement.--All retired     officers and enlisted personnel shall be entitled to wear the     uniform of their grade as retired officers and enlisted     personnel of the Pennsylvania National Guard on all proper     military and semi-military occasions within this Commonwealth.        (d)  Applicability of section.--The provisions of retirement     with increased rank shall be applicable when applied to officers     retired prior to the effective date of this section and the     provisions of this section shall apply to deceased officers on     the retired list upon proper application to the Adjutant General     by some duly recognized veterans' organization.        Cross References.  Section 2313 is referred to in section     2504 of this title.