917 - Application and fees.

     § 917.  Application and fees.        An application for a permit or license shall be verified and     shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee in an     amount established by the commission by regulation, which fee     shall be subject to review in accordance with the act of June     25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act.     If the revenues generated by fees and civil penalties imposed     pursuant to this subpart are not sufficient to match     expenditures over a two-year period, the commission shall adjust     those fees by regulation, subject to review in accordance with     the Regulatory Review Act, such that the projected revenues will     meet or exceed projected expenditures. If the department     determines that fees and civil penalties established by the     commission are inadequate to meet the costs of minimum     enforcement efforts required by this subpart, then the     department, after consultation with the commission, shall adjust     the fees or civil penalties or both by regulation, subject to     review in accordance with the Regulatory Review Act, such that     adequate revenues are raised to meet those costs.