726 - Permanent supplements to Pennsylvania Code.
§ 726. Permanent supplements to Pennsylvania Code. (a) General rule.--At least once each year all documents required or authorized pursuant to section 702 (relating to contents of Pennsylvania Code) to be codified in the code which have been filed with the bureau pursuant to this part shall be permanently integrated into the code by the publication of looseleaf pages or pocket parts for or other appropriate permanent supplements to or reissues of the code as published pursuant to section 721 (relating to publication of official codification). The index to the code shall be similarly supplemented or reissued. (b) Annotations.--The Legislative Reference Bureau may prepare, or may secure by contract, and incorporate into the permanent supplements to the code annotations of judicial decisions relating to any class of documents published in the code. Cross References. Section 726 is referred to in sections 724, 732 of this title.