Chapter 73 - Arbitration
- 7301 - Short title of subchapter.
- 7302 - Scope of subchapter.
- 7303 - Validity of agreement to arbitrate.
- 7304 - Court proceedings to compel or stay arbitration.
- 7305 - Appointment of arbitrators by court.
- 7306 - Action by arbitrators.
- 7307 - Hearing before arbitrators.
- 7308 - Representation by attorney.
- 7309 - Witnesses, subpoenas, oaths and depositions.
- 7310 - Award of arbitrators.
- 7311 - Change of award by arbitrators.
- 7312 - Fees and expenses of arbitration.
- 7313 - Confirmation of award by court.
- 7314 - Vacating award by court.
- 7315 - Modification or correction of award by court.
- 7316 - Judgment or decree on award.
- 7317 - Form and service of applications to court.
- 7318 - Court and jurisdiction.
- 7319 - Venue of court proceedings.
- 7320 - Appeals from court orders.
- 7341 - Common law arbitration.
- 7342 - Procedure.
- 7361 - Compulsory arbitration.
- 7362 - Voluntary arbitration of pending judicial matters.