4437 - Cost of providing interpreter.

     § 4437.  Cost of providing interpreter.        (a)  General rule.--Except as provided by general rule and in     subsection (b), an interpreter appointed in accordance with this     subchapter is entitled to a reasonable fee for the services of     the interpreter and shall be reimbursed for actual and     reasonable expenses by the county that has jurisdiction over the     judicial proceeding.        (b)  Payment determination of certain costs.--Disposition of     all or part of the cost of providing an interpreter appointed in     accordance with section 4432(d) (relating to appointment of     interpreter) shall be in the discretion of the court that has     jurisdiction over the judicial proceeding. In no event shall the     cost of providing interpreter services be the responsibility of     the person who is deaf. If the principal party in interest is     indigent, then the cost of providing interpreter services shall     be the responsibility of the county of the court that has     jurisdiction over the judicial proceeding. The presiding     judicial officer may order reimbursement to the county for its     responsibilities under this subchapter.        Cross References.  Section 4437 is referred to in section     4438 of this title.