1509 - Compulsive and problem gambling program.
§ 1509. Compulsive and problem gambling program. (a) Establishment of program.--The Department of Health, in consultation with organizations similar to the Mid-Atlantic Addiction Training Institute, shall develop program guidelines for public education, awareness and training regarding compulsive and problem gambling and the treatment and prevention of compulsive and problem gambling. The guidelines shall include strategies for the prevention of compulsive and problem gambling. The Department of Health may consult with the board and licensed gaming entities to develop such strategies. (a.1) Duties of Department of Health.--From funds available in the Compulsive and Problem Gambling Treatment Fund, the Department of Health shall: (1) Maintain a compulsive gamblers assistance organization's toll-free problem gambling telephone number to provide crisis counseling and referral services to individuals and families experiencing difficulty as a result of problem or compulsive gambling. (2) Facilitate, through in-service training and other means, the availability of effective assistance programs for problem and compulsive gamblers and family members affected by problem and compulsive gambling. (3) At its discretion, conduct studies to identify individuals in this Commonwealth who are or are at risk of becoming problem or compulsive gamblers. (4) Provide grants to and contract with single county authorities and other organizations which provide services as set forth in this section. (5) Reimburse organizations for reasonable expenses incurred assisting the Department of Health with implementing this section. (a.2) Duties of Department of Health and board.--Within 60 days following the effective date of this subsection, the Department of Health's Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Programs and the board's Office of Compulsive and Problem Gambling shall jointly collaborate with other appropriate offices and agencies of State or local government, including single county authorities, and providers and other persons, public or private, with expertise in compulsive and problem gambling treatment to do the following: (1) Implement a strategic plan for the prevention and treatment of compulsive and problem gambling. (2) Adopt compulsive and problem gambling treatment standards to be integrated with the Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Program's uniform Statewide guidelines that govern the provision of addiction treatment services. (3) Develop a method to coordinate compulsive and problem gambling data collection and referral information to crisis response hotlines, child welfare and domestic violence programs and providers and other appropriate programs and providers. (4) Develop and disseminate educational materials to provide public awareness related to the prevention, recognition and treatment of compulsive and problem gambling. (5) Develop demographic-specific compulsive and problem gambling prevention, intervention and treatment programs. (6) Prepare an itemized budget outlining how funds will be allocated to fulfill the responsibilities under this section. (b) Compulsive and Problem Gambling Treatment Fund.--There is hereby established in the State Treasury a special fund to be known as the Compulsive and Problem Gambling Treatment Fund. All moneys in the fund shall be administered by the Department of Health and expended solely for programs for the prevention and treatment of gambling addiction and other emotional and behavioral problems associated with or related to gambling addiction and for the administration of the compulsive and problem gambling program, provided that the Department of Health shall annually distribute at least 50% of the money in the fund to single county authorities under subsection (d). The fund shall consist of money annually allocated to it from the annual payment established under section 1408(a) (relating to transfers from State Gaming Fund), money which may be allocated by the board, interest earnings on moneys in the fund and any other contributions, payments or deposits which may be made to the fund. (c) Notice of availability of assistance.-- (1) Each slot machine licensee shall obtain a toll-free telephone number to be used to provide persons with information on assistance for compulsive or problem gambling. Each licensee shall conspicuously post at least 20 signs similar to the following statement: If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available. Call (Toll-free telephone number). The signs must be posted within 50 feet of each entrance and exit, within 50 feet of each automated teller machine location within the licensed facility and in other appropriate public areas of the licensed facility as determined by the slot machine licensee. (2) Each racetrack where slot machines or table games are operated shall print a statement on daily racing programs provided to the general public that is similar to the following: If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available. Call (Toll-free telephone number). (3) A licensed facility which fails to post or print the warning sign in accordance with paragraph (1) or (2) shall be assessed a fine of $1,000 a day for each day the minimum number of signs are not posted or the required statement is not printed as provided in this subsection. (d) Single county authorities.--The Department of Health shall make grants from the fund established under subsection (b) to single county authorities created pursuant to the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.221, No.63), known as the Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Abuse Control Act, for the purpose of providing compulsive gambling and gambling addiction prevention, treatment and education programs. Treatment may include financial counseling, irrespective of whether the financial counseling is provided by the single county authority, the treatment service provider or subcontracted to a third party. It is the intention of the General Assembly that any grants made by the Department of Health to any single county authority in accordance with the provisions of this subsection be used exclusively for the development and implementation of compulsive and problem gambling programs authorized under this section. (d.1) Eligibility.--Eligibility to receive treatment services for treatment of compulsive and problem gambling under this section shall be determined using financial eligibility and other requirements of the single county authorities as approved by the Department of Health. (d.2) Report.--No later than October 1, 2010, and each October 1 thereafter, the Department of Health, in consultation with the board, shall prepare and submit a report on the impact of the programs funded by the Compulsive and Problem Gambling Treatment Fund to the Governor and to the members of the General Assembly. The report shall include aggregate demographic- specific data, including race, gender, geography and income of those individuals treated. (e) Definition.--As used in subsection (d), the term "single county authority" means the agency designated by the Department of Health pursuant to the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.221, No.63), known as the Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Abuse Control Act, to plan and coordinate drug and alcohol prevention, intervention and treatment services for a geographic area, which may consist of one or more counties. (Nov. 1, 2006, P.L.1243, No.135, eff. imd.; Jan. 7, 2010, P.L.1, No.1, eff. imd.) 2010 Amendment. Act 1 amended subsecs. (a), (b), (c) and (d) and added subsecs. (a.1), (a.2), (d.1) and (d.2). Cross References. Section 1509 is referred to in section 1408 of this title.