1317.1 - Manufacturer licenses.
§ 1317.1. Manufacturer licenses. (a) Application.--A person seeking to manufacture slot machines, table game devices and associated equipment for use in this Commonwealth shall apply to the board for a manufacturer license. (b) Requirements.--An application for a manufacturer license shall be on the form required by the board, accompanied by the application fee, and shall include all of the following: (1) The name and business address of the applicant and the applicant's affiliates, intermediaries, subsidiaries and holding companies; the principals and key employees of each business; and a list of employees and their positions within each business, as well as any financial information required by the board. (2) A statement that the applicant and each affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or holding company of the applicant are not slot machine licensees. (3) The consent to a background investigation of the applicant, its principals and key employees or other persons required by the board and a release to obtain any and all information necessary for the completion of the background investigation. (4) The details of any equivalent license granted or denied by other jurisdictions where gaming activities as authorized by this part are permitted and consent for the board to acquire copies of applications submitted or licenses issued in connection therewith. (5) The type of slot machines, table game devices or associated equipment to be manufactured or repaired. (6) Any other information determined by the board to be appropriate. (c) Review and approval.--Upon being satisfied that the requirements of subsection (b) have been met, the board may approve the application and grant the applicant a manufacturer license consistent with all of the following: (1) The initial license shall be for a period of one year, and, if renewed under subsection (d), the license shall be for a period of three years. Nothing in this paragraph shall relieve the licensee of the affirmative duty to notify the board of any changes relating to the status of its license or to any other information contained in application materials on file with the board. (2) The license shall be nontransferable. (3) Any other condition established by the board. (c.1) Abbreviated process.--In the event an applicant for a manufacturer license to manufacture table game devices or associated equipment used in connection with table games is licensed by the board under this section to manufacture slot machines or associated equipment used in connection with slot machines, the board may determine to use an abbreviated process requiring only that information determined by the board to be necessary to consider the issuance of a license to manufacture table game devices or associated equipment used in connection with table games, including financial viability of the applicant. Nothing in this section shall be construed to waive any fees associated with obtaining a license through the normal application process. The board may only use the abbreviated process if all of the following apply: (1) The manufacturer license was issued by the board within a 36-month period immediately preceding the date the manufacturer licensee files an application to manufacture table game devices or associated equipment. (2) The person to whom the manufacturer license was issued affirms there has been no material change in circumstances relating to the license. (3) The board determines, in its sole discretion, that there has been no material change in circumstances relating to the licensee that necessitates that the abbreviated process not be used. (d) Renewal.-- (1) Two months prior to expiration of a manufacturer license, the manufacturer licensee seeking renewal of its license shall submit a renewal application accompanied by the renewal fee to the board. (2) If the renewal application satisfies the requirements of subsection (b), the board may renew the licensee's manufacturer license. (3) If the board receives a complete renewal application but fails to act upon the renewal application prior to the expiration of the manufacturer license, the manufacturer license shall continue in effect for an additional six-month period or until acted upon by the board, whichever occurs first. (d.1) Authority.--The following shall apply to a licensed manufacturer: (1) A manufacturer or its designee, as licensed by the board, may supply or repair any slot machine, table game device or associated equipment manufactured by the manufacturer, provided the manufacturer holds the appropriate manufacturer license. (2) A manufacturer of slot machines may contract with a supplier under section 1317 (relating to supplier licenses) to provide slot machines or associated equipment to a slot machine licensee within this Commonwealth, provided the supplier is licensed to supply slot machines or associated equipment used in connection with slot machines. (3) A manufacturer may contract with a supplier under section 1317 to provide table game devices or associated equipment to a certificate holder, provided the supplier is licensed to supply table game devices or associated equipment used in connection with table games. (e) Prohibitions.-- (1) No person may manufacture slot machines, table game devices or associated equipment for use within this Commonwealth by a slot machine licensee unless the person has been issued the appropriate manufacturer license under this section. (2) Except as permitted in section 13A23.1 (relating to training equipment), no slot machine licensee may use slot machines, table game devices or associated equipment unless the slot machines, table game devices or associated equipment were manufactured by a person that has been issued the appropriate manufacturer license under this section. (3) No person issued a license under this section shall apply for or be issued a license under section 1317. (4) No limitation shall be placed on the number of manufacturer licenses issued or the time period to submit applications for licensure, except as required to comply with section 1306 (relating to order of initial license issuance). (Nov. 1, 2006, P.L.1243, No.135, eff. imd.; Jan. 7, 2010, P.L.1, No.1, eff. imd.) 2010 Amendment. Act 1 amended subsecs. (a), (b)(5), (c), (d), (d.1) and (e) and added subsec. (c.1). 2006 Amendment. Act 135 added section 1317.1. Cross References. Section 1317.1 is referred to in sections 1208, 1317, 13A41 of this title.