508 - Interagency cooperation.

     § 508.  Interagency cooperation.        (a)  Responsibilities of Commonwealth agencies.--Commonwealth     agencies shall:            (1)  Consult the commission before demolishing, altering        or transferring any property under their ownership or control        that is or may be of historical, architectural or        archaeological significance.            (2)  Seek the advice of the commission on possible        alternatives to the demolition, alteration or transfer of        property under their ownership or control that is on or may        be eligible for the Pennsylvania Register of Historic Places.            (3)  Initiate measures and procedures to provide for the        maintenance by means of preservation, rehabilitation or        restoration of historic resources under their ownership or        control that are listed on or are eligible for the        Pennsylvania Register of Historic Places.            (4)  Institute procedures and policies to assure that        their plans, programs, codes, regulations and activities        contribute to the preservation and enhancement of all        historic resources in this Commonwealth. However, nothing in        this title shall be construed as conferring on the commission        the authority to delay, deny, condition or limit or cause to        be delayed, denied, conditioned or limited any permits which        would otherwise be issued by a Commonwealth agency beyond        those time frames specified in section 507 (relating to        cooperation by public officials with the commission), unless        the applicant agrees in writing to such condition, limit or        time extension. An applicant is prohibited from utilizing a        permit or license in any manner that would impair or        interfere with the performance of an archaeological survey or        field investigation until the expiration of the time frames        in section 507 or until receiving written notification from        the commission that its archaeological survey or        investigation is completed, whichever is sooner. Commonwealth        agencies likewise are, in the absence of specific statutory        language in their enabling or regulatory statutes, prohibited        from stopping the processing or denying a permit solely        because of the possible or actual presence of archaeological        resources.            (5)  Submit the procedures and policies described in        paragraphs (3) and (4) to the commission for review and        comment.        (b)  Limitation.--Nothing under this act shall confer power     upon a political subdivision or municipal authority to delay,     deny, condition or limit or cause to be delayed, denied,     conditioned or limited any permit or approval because of failure     to comply with this act.     (Nov. 28, 1995, P.L.647, No.70, eff. 60 days)