8129 - Emergency medical services agencies.

     § 8129.  Emergency medical services agencies.        (a)  License required.--A person may not, as an owner, agent     or otherwise, operate, conduct, maintain, advertise or otherwise     engage in or profess to be engaged in operating or providing an     ambulance, advanced life support squad vehicle, basic life     support squad vehicle, quick response service, special     operations EMS service or other vehicle or service as prescribed     by the department by regulation to provide EMS outside a health     care facility or on roadways, airways or waterways of this     Commonwealth unless the person holds a current EMS agency     license authorizing the particular service or operation.        (b)  Application.--An application for an EMS agency license     shall be submitted on a form or through an electronic     application process prescribed by the department.        (c)  Issuance of license.--The department shall issue a     license to an applicant when it is satisfied that:            (1)  The applicant and persons having substantial        ownership interests in the applicant are responsible persons        and the EMS agency will be staffed by and conduct its        activities utilizing responsible persons. For purposes of        this paragraph:                (i)  a responsible person is a person who has not            engaged in any act contrary to justice, honesty or good            morals which indicates that the person is likely to            betray the public trust in carrying out the activities of            an EMS agency or a person who has engaged in such conduct            but has been rehabilitated and establishes that he or she            is not likely to again betray the public trust;                (ii)  a person has a substantial ownership interest            if the person has equity in the capital, stock or the            profits of the EMS agency equal to 5% or more of the            value of the property or assets of the EMS agency; and                (iii)  a person staffs an EMS agency if the person            engages in an activity integral to operation of the EMS            agency, including, but not limited to, making or            participating in the making or execution of management            decisions, providing EMS, billing, calltaking and            dispatching.            (2)  The applicant meets supply and equipment        requirements and each ambulance or other vehicle that will be        used in providing EMS is adequately constructed and equipped        and will be maintained and operated to safely and efficiently        render the services offered.            (3)  The applicant will meet the staffing standards for        its vehicles and services.            (4)  The applicant will provide safe and efficient        services that are adequate for the emergency medical care,        the treatment and comfort and, when appropriate, the        transportation of patients.            (5)  The applicant will have an EMS agency medical        director who, in addition to satisfying the criteria of        section 8125(a) (relating to medical director of emergency        medical services agency), satisfies other criteria the        department may establish by regulation based on the types of        vehicles and services the applicant intends to provide under        the EMS agency license.            (6)  The applicant is in compliance with the rules and        regulations promulgated under this chapter.        (d)  Persons under 18 years of age.--An EMS agency shall     ensure that a person under 18 years of age, when providing EMS     on behalf of the EMS agency, is directly supervised by an EMS     provider who is at least 21 years of age who has the same or     higher level of EMS provider certification and at least one year     of active practice as an EMS provider.        (e)  Triennial registration.--An EMS agency's license is     deemed registered for three years after the issuance. An EMS     agency must register its license at three-year intervals by     completing an application on a form or through an electronic     application process prescribed by the department. The department     shall act on the application within 90 days of receipt of a     complete and accurate application. The department shall not deny     a registration of a license without giving the applicant prior     notice of the reason for denial and providing an opportunity for     a hearing.        (f)  Nontransferability of license.--An EMS agency may not     transfer its license. An EMS agency may enter into a contract     with another entity for that entity to manage the EMS agency if     that entity has been approved by the department to manage an EMS     agency. The department may deny approval to an entity to provide     management services for an EMS agency if:            (1)  the entity is not in compliance with this chapter or        applicable regulations;            (2)  the entity is not a responsible person as defined in        subsection (c)(1)(i);            (3)  a person having a substantial ownership interest in        the entity is not a responsible person;            (4)  the entity will not be staffed by or conduct its        activities through responsible persons; or            (5)  the entity refuses to provide the department with        records or information reasonably requested to enable the        department to make a determination.        (g)  Display.--As prescribed by department regulation, a     current department-issued inspection sticker shall be displayed     on each ambulance, advanced life support squad vehicle, basic     life support squad vehicle and, as required by regulation, any     other EMS vehicle authorized by the department.        (h)  Inspection.--The department or its agent shall inspect     an applicant's vehicles, equipment and personnel qualifications     prior to granting an EMS agency license and shall inspect an EMS     agency from time to time, as deemed appropriate and necessary,     but not less than once every three years.        (i)  Dispatching.--            (1)  An EMS agency that operates a communications center        dispatching EMS resources shall use calltakers and        dispatchers who satisfy the requirements of the Pennsylvania        Emergency Management Agency under section 3(a)(6) of the act        of July 9, 1990 (P.L.340, No.78), known as the Public Safety        Emergency Telephone Act, and shall use an emergency medical        dispatch program approved by the department. An emergency        medical dispatch program is a system or program that enables        patients to be assessed and treated via telecommunication by        using accepted medical dispatch standards.            (2)  Operation by an EMS agency of a communications        center that dispatches EMS resources shall be considered part        of the EMS agency's licensed operation and shall be subject        to the requirements of this chapter and the department's        regulations.        (j)  Construction, equipment and supplies.--Within two years     after the effective date of this chapter, the department shall     publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, and update as necessary,     vehicle construction and equipment and supply requirements for     EMS agencies in this Commonwealth based upon the types of EMS     vehicles operated and the services provided.        (k)  Implementation of credentialing decisions.--An EMS     agency may not permit an EMS provider at or above the advanced     EMT level to provide EMS at that level unless its EMS agency     medical director apprises that the EMS provider satisfies the     criteria of section 8125(b)(2). An EMS agency may permit an EMS     provider who does not satisfy the section 8125(b)(2) criteria to     continue to work for the EMS agency at a lower EMS provider     level if the EMS provider is authorized to do so by the EMS     agency medical director. The EMS agency shall notify the     department of that decision within ten days after it is made. If     the EMS agency medical director has determined that the EMS     provider has not demonstrated competency in the knowledge and     skills necessary to competently perform the skills within the     scope of practice of the EMS provider at that level or has not     demonstrated a commitment to adequately perform other functions     relevant to the EMS provider providing EMS at that level and the     EMS agency medical director chooses to impose restrictions on     the EMS provider's practice, such as requiring the EMS provider     to function under the supervision of another EMS provider or     requiring the EMS provider to contact a medical command     physician prior to providing EMS, then the EMS agency may permit     the EMS provider to provide EMS only with the restrictions     directed by the EMS agency medical director.        (l)  Staffing.--The department may by regulation revise the     staffing standards for ambulances, squad vehicles and quick     response services set forth in sections 8130 (relating to     advanced life support ambulances), 8131 (relating to air     ambulances), 8132 (relating to advanced life support squad     vehicles), 8133 (relating to basic life support ambulances),     8134 (relating to basic life support squad vehicles) and 8135     (relating to quick response services).        (m)  Custody or control of patient.--If a law enforcement     officer is at the scene of a police incident when an EMS     provider arrives, the law enforcement officer may preclude the     EMS provider from entering the scene to provide EMS until the     law enforcement officer determines that it is safe for the EMS     provider to enter. Under such circumstances, the law enforcement     officer shall permit the EMS provider access to the patient     before the officer transports the patient. If, pursuant to a     medical treatment protocol or medical command order, an EMS     agency is required to transport to a receiving facility a     patient whom a law enforcement officer has taken or wants to     take into custody or whom the law enforcement officer believes     needs to be spoken with immediately, the EMS agency shall     transport the patient to a receiving facility, and the law     enforcement officer shall have discretion to accompany the     patient in the EMS vehicle and authority to employ security     precautions deemed necessary by the law enforcement officer to     ensure the safety of the officer and others, except that the     security precautions shall not unreasonably interfere with the     provision of EMS to the patient.        (n)  Cessation of operations.--Upon suspension or revocation     of a license, the EMS agency shall cease operations and no     person shall permit or cause the EMS agency to continue.        (o)  Discontinuance or reduction of service.--An EMS agency     shall not discontinue providing service it is licensed to     provide or reduce the hours when it provides service until a     minimum of 90 days after notifying the department in writing of     the change. Notice shall include a statement that the licensee     has notified the chief executive officer of each political     subdivision in the licensee's service area of the intent to     discontinue providing the service or reduce the hours it     provides the service and that the intent to discontinue or     reduce hours has been advertised in a newspaper of general     circulation in the licensee's service area.        (p)  Regulations.--The department shall promulgate     regulations setting forth requirements for EMS agencies in this     Commonwealth based upon the types of EMS vehicles they operate     and the services they provide.        (q)  Transition for ambulance services and quick response     services.--Upon the effective date of this section, an entity     that is licensed as an ambulance service or recognized as a QRS     immediately prior to the effective date of this section may     continue to operate as an EMS agency if it meets the staffing     and other operational requirements of this chapter, and it shall     be considered to be an EMS agency with a current registration of     its license. The initial registration of the EMS agency's     license shall expire on the same date that the entity's license     as an ambulance service or recognition as a QRS would have     expired if it had remained in effect.        (r)  Exemptions.--The following are exempt from the licensing     provisions of this chapter:            (1)  Privately owned vehicles not ordinarily used to        transport patients.            (2)  An EMS agency licensed in another state and not        under this chapter that is dispatched to respond to an        emergency within this Commonwealth when an EMS vehicle or        service licensed under this chapter is unable to respond        within a reasonable time or its response is not sufficient to        deal with the emergency.            (3)  An EMS agency licensed in another state that limits        its operations in this Commonwealth to the transportation and        provision of medical care incidental to transportation of        patients and other persons requiring transportation by EMS        vehicles from locations outside this Commonwealth to        locations within this Commonwealth.            (4)  EMS vehicles owned and operated by an agency of the        Federal Government.        Effective Date.  Section 9(1) of Act 37 of 2009 provided that     section 8129 shall take effect 180 days after the publication of     the notice in section 7.        Cross References.  Section 8129 is referred to in sections     8113, 8142, 8156 of this title.