8112 - Contracts and grants.

     § 8112.  Contracts and grants.        (a)  General power.--The department may enter into contracts     or grants with entities to serve as regional EMS councils     responsible for the initiation, expansion, maintenance and     improvement of regional EMS systems that are in accordance with     the Statewide EMS system plan.        (b)  Limitation.--An entity with which the department enters     into a contract or grant under this section to serve as a     regional EMS council shall carry out the duties assigned by the     department under section 8109(c) (relating to regional emergency     medical services councils).        (c)  Purposes.--In contracting with or giving a grant to     regional EMS councils, the department may allocate Emergency     Medical Services Operating Fund moneys appropriated to the     department only for the following purposes:            (1)  Providing programs of public education, information,        health promotion and prevention regarding EMS.            (2)  Purchasing ambulances, other EMS vehicles, medical        equipment and rescue equipment.            (3)  Applying to costs associated with conducting        training and testing programs for EMS providers.            (4)  Applying to costs associated with inspections and        investigations conducted to assist the department to carry        out its regulatory authority under this chapter.            (5)  Purchasing communications equipment and services,        including alerting equipment, provided that the purchases are        in accordance with the Statewide EMS system plan.            (6)  Assisting with the merger of EMS agencies or        assisting an EMS agency to acquire another EMS agency, when        the department determines circumstances exist such that the        transaction and financial assistance are needed to serve the        public interest.            (7)  Applying to costs associated with the maintenance        and operation of regional EMS councils. Those costs may        include, but shall not be limited to, salaries, wages and        benefits of staff, travel, equipment and supplies, leasing of        office space and other costs incidental to the conduct of        business which are deemed by the department to be necessary        and appropriate for carrying out the purposes of this        chapter.            (8)  Applying to costs associated with collection and        analysis of data necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of        EMS systems in providing EMS and to administer quality        improvement programs.            (9)  Applying to costs associated with assisting EMS        agencies to recruit and retain EMS providers.        (d)  Restriction.--In contracting with or providing grants to     regional EMS councils, the department may not allocate Emergency     Medical Services Operating Fund moneys appropriated to the     department for the following purposes:            (1)  Acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of        facilities or buildings, except renovation as may be        necessary for the implementation or modification of EMS        communication systems.            (2)  Purchasing hospital equipment, other than        communications equipment for medical command and receiving        facilities, unless the equipment is used or intended to be        used in an equipment exchange program with EMS agencies.            (3)  Maintenance of ambulances, other EMS vehicles and        equipment.            (4)  Applying to costs deemed by the department as        inappropriate for carrying out the purposes of this chapter.            (5)  Applying to costs which are normally borne by        patients, except for extraordinary costs as determined by the        department.        (e)  Reports.--The recipient of a contract or grant under     this chapter shall make reports to the department as may be     required by the department.        (f)  Contract and grant prerequisites.--The department shall     not contract with or provide a grant to an entity for that     entity to serve as a regional EMS council unless:            (1)  The entity has submitted a contract or grant        application to the department in a form and format prescribed        by the department that is consistent with the Statewide and        regional EMS system plans.            (2)  The application addresses planning, maintenance and        improvement of the regional EMS system.            (3)  The entity demonstrates to the department's        satisfaction the qualifications and commitment to plan,        maintain and improve a regional EMS system and that the        entity has the required organizational structure and        provisions for representation of appropriate entities.        (g)  Technical assistance.--The department shall provide     technical assistance, as appropriate, to regional EMS councils     and to such other eligible entities as necessary for the purpose     of their carrying out the provisions of contracts and grants     under this section, with special consideration for contractors     and grantees representing rural areas.        (h)  Payments.--Payments pursuant to a contract or grant     under this section may be made in advance or by way of     reimbursement and in installments and on conditions as the     department determines will most effectively carry out the     provisions of this chapter.        (i)  Other funds considered.--            (1)  In determining the amount of a contract or grant        under this section, the amount of funds available to the        contractor or grantee from non-State contributions and        Federal grant or contract programs pertaining to EMS shall be        taken into consideration.            (2)  For purposes of this subsection, "non-State        contributions" include the outlay of cash and in-kind        services to the contractor or grantee or toward the operation        of a regional EMS system by private, public or government        third parties, including the Federal Government.        (j)  Other contracts and grants.--The department may enter     into contracts and grants with organizations other than regional     EMS councils in order to assist the department in complying with     the provisions of this section and chapter.        (k)  Public disclosure.--            (1)  Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2),        finalized contracts and grants shall be deemed public records        subject to disclosure.            (2)  The department may not disclose information in        contracts or grants that could be used by persons to        undermine measures to combat, respond to or recover from        terrorist attacks.        (l)  Sole source contract or grant.--Upon expiration of a     contract or grant with an entity to carry out the duties of a     regional EMS council as set forth in subsection (c), the     department, without undertaking a competitive bidding process,     may enter into a new contract or grant with the same entity for     that entity to continue to serve as a regional EMS council and     perform the duties set forth in subsection (c), as determined by     the department, if that entity, in carrying out the prior     contract or grant, demonstrated its ability and commitment to     the department's satisfaction to plan, maintain and improve the     regional EMS system consistent with the terms of the prior     contract or grant.        Cross References.  Section 8112 is referred to in sections     8108, 8111, 8153 of this title.