8103 - Definitions.

     § 8103.  Definitions.        The following words and phrases when used in this chapter     shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the     context clearly indicates otherwise:        "Advanced emergency medical services."  Emergency medical     services exceeding the scope of practice of an emergency medical     technician.        "Advanced emergency medical technician."  An individual who     is certified by the Department of Health as an advanced     emergency medical technician.        "Advanced life support squad vehicle."  A vehicle which:            (1)  is maintained or operated to transport emergency        medical service providers above the advanced emergency        medical technician level, equipment and supplies to        rendezvous with the crew of an ambulance for the purpose of        providing advanced emergency medical services to patients;        and            (2)  is not used in the transportation of patients.        "ALS."  Advanced life support.        "Ambulance."  A ground, water or air vehicle which is     maintained or operated for the purpose of providing emergency     medical services to and transportation of patients.        "Ambulance attendant."  An individual who is 16 years of age     or older and satisfies one of the following:            (1)  Possesses a certificate evidencing successful        completion of an advanced first aid course sponsored by the        American Red Cross and a current certificate evidencing        successful completion of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation        course acceptable to the Department of Health.            (2)  Possesses a current certificate evidencing        successful completion of a course determined by the        Department of Health to be equivalent to the requirements in        paragraph (1).        "Basic emergency medical services" or "basic EMS."  Emergency     medical services included within, but not exceeding, the scope     of practice of an emergency medical technician.        "Basic life support squad vehicle."  A vehicle which:            (1)  is maintained or operated to transport emergency        medical services providers, equipment and supplies to        rendezvous with the crew of an ambulance for the purpose of        providing emergency medical services at or below the advanced        emergency medical technician level to patients; and            (2)  is not used in the transportation of patients.        "BLS."  Basic life support.        "Board."  The State Advisory Board, which is the Board of     Directors of the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council.        "Commonwealth emergency medical services medical director" or     "Commonwealth EMS medical director."  A physician who is     approved and employed by the Department of Health to advise and     formulate policy on matters pertaining to emergency medical     services.        "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.        "Emergency."  A physiological or psychological illness or     injury of an individual, such that a prudent layperson who     possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine could     reasonably expect the absence of immediate emergency medical     services to result in:            (1)  placing the health of the individual or, with        respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her        unborn child, in serious jeopardy;            (2)  serious impairment of bodily functions; or            (3)  serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part.        "Emergency medical responder" or "EMR."  An individual who is     certified by the Department of Health as an emergency medical     responder.        "Emergency medical services" or "EMS."  Any of the following:            (1)  The medical care, including medical assessment,        monitoring, treatment, transportation and observation, which        may be provided to a person in responding to an actual or        reported emergency to:                (i)  prevent or protect against loss of life or a            deterioration in physiological or psychological            condition; or                (ii)  address pain or morbidity associated with the            person's condition.            (2)  The transportation of an individual with medical        assessment, monitoring, treatment or observation of the        individual who, due to the individual's condition, requires        medical assessment, monitoring, treatment or observation        during the transport.        "Emergency medical services agency" or "EMS agency."  An     entity that engages in the business or service of providing     emergency medical services to patients within this Commonwealth     by operating any of the following:            (1)  An ambulance.            (2)  An advanced life support squad vehicle.            (3)  A basic life support squad vehicle.            (4)  A quick response service.            (5)  A special operations EMS service. This paragraph        includes, but is not limited to:                (i)  a tactical EMS service;                (ii)  a wilderness EMS service;                (iii)  a mass-gathering EMS service; and                (iv)  an urban search and rescue EMS service.            (6)  A vehicle or service which provides emergency        medical services outside of a health care facility, as        prescribed by the Department of Health by regulation.        "Emergency medical services agency medical director" or "EMS     agency medical director."  A physician who is employed by,     contracts with or volunteers with an emergency medical services     agency either directly or through an intermediary to:            (1)  evaluate the quality of patient care provided by the        emergency medical services providers utilized by the        emergency medical services agency; and            (2)  provide medical guidance and advice to the emergency        medical services agency.        "Emergency medical services provider" or "EMS provider."  Any     of the following:            (1)  An emergency medical responder.            (2)  An emergency medical technician.            (3)  An advanced emergency medical technician.            (4)  A paramedic.            (5)  A prehospital registered nurse.            (6)  A prehospital physician extender.            (7)  A prehospital emergency medical services physician.            (8)  An individual prescribed by regulation of the        Department of Health to provide specialized emergency medical        services.        "Emergency medical services system" or "EMS system."  The     arrangement of personnel, facilities and equipment to prevent     and manage emergencies in a geographic area.        "Emergency medical services vehicle operator" or "EMS vehicle     operator."  An individual certified by the Department of Health     to operate a ground emergency medical services vehicle.        "Emergency medical technician" or "EMT."  An individual who     is certified by the Department of Health as an emergency medical     technician.        "Facility."  A physical location at which an entity operates     a health care facility licensed under Federal or State law.        "Foundation."  The Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation, a     nonprofit Pennsylvania corporation whose function is to accredit     trauma centers that receive or seek to receive Commonwealth     funds.        "Hospital."  An institution having an organized medical staff     that is primarily engaged in providing to inpatients, by or     under the supervision of physicians, diagnostic and therapeutic     services or rehabilitation services for the care or     rehabilitation of injured, disabled, pregnant, diseased, sick or     mentally ill persons. The term includes a facility for the     diagnosis and treatment of disorders within the scope of     specific medical specialties. The term does not include a     facility caring exclusively for the mentally ill.        "Medical command facility."  A distinct unit which contains     the necessary equipment and personnel for providing medical     command to and control over emergency medical services     providers.        "Medical command order."  An order issued by a medical     command physician to an emergency medical services provider who     is functioning on behalf of an emergency medical services     agency.        "Medical command physician."  A physician certified by the     Department of Health to give medical command orders to emergency     medical services providers.        "Medical monitoring."  Performing continuous or periodic     observations of an individual's condition or continuation of an     ordered treatment plan for an individual to prevent pain,     suffering or the exacerbation of a preexisting condition.        "Medical observation."  Performing continuous or periodic     observations of an individual's stable condition to determine     whether there is a change in that condition.        "Paramedic."  An individual who is certified by the     Department of Health as a paramedic.        "Patient."  An individual for whom an emergency medical     services provider is:            (1)  providing emergency medical services on behalf of an        EMS agency; or            (2)  required to provide emergency medical services on        behalf of an EMS agency because the individual's condition        requires or may require medical observation, monitoring,        assessment or treatment for an illness, disease, injury or        other disability.        "Peer review."  The evaluation by health care providers of     the quality and efficiency of services ordered or performed by     emergency medical services providers and physicians who direct     or supervise EMS providers under this chapter and the     regulations of the Department of Health.        "Physician."  A person who has a currently registered license     to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine in this     Commonwealth.        "Prehospital emergency medical services physician" or     "prehospital EMS physician."  A physician who is certified by     the Department of Health as a prehospital emergency medical     services physician.        "Prehospital physician extender" or "PHPE."  A physician     assistant who is certified by the Department of Health as a     prehospital physician extender.        "Prehospital registered nurse" or "PHRN."  A registered nurse     who is certified by the Department of Health as a prehospital     registered nurse.        "Quick response service" or "QRS."  An operation in which     emergency medical services providers of an EMS agency:            (1)  respond to an actual, reported or perceived        emergency; and            (2)  provide emergency medical services to patients        pending the arrival of an ambulance.        "Regional emergency medical services council" or "regional     EMS council."  A nonprofit incorporated entity or appropriate     equivalent that is assigned by the Department of Health to:            (1)  plan, develop, maintain, expand and improve        emergency medical services systems within a specific        geographic area of this Commonwealth; and            (2)  coordinate those systems into a regional emergency        medical services system.        "Regional emergency medical services medical director" or     "regional EMS medical director."  The medical director of a     regional emergency medical services council.        "Review organization."  A committee which engages in peer     review as authorized by the regulations of the Department of     Health.        "Rural area."  An area outside urbanized areas as defined by     the United States Bureau of the Census.        "Special care unit."  An appropriately equipped area of a     hospital where provisions have been made for a concentration of     physicians, nurses and others who have special skills and     experiences to provide medical care for critically ill patients.        "Trauma center."  A facility accredited as a trauma center by     the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation.